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Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 3:47 pm
by John Wren
Defender wrote:
John Wren wrote:
Defender wrote: This is a forum numb nuts, speculating is what we do, now it's come to light that Martin has walked as well, that's 3 required players who have walked this year alone, we are a club in crisis.
no we're not.
Yes we are, open your eyes man.
you keep telling yourself that.

it's a club that is experiencing its fair share of challenges but hardly in a crisis.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 5:32 pm
by Deja Vu
Another post deleted by mods?

Are you serious? Why?

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 6:45 pm
by 35forever

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 6:52 pm
by 35forever

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:00 pm
by Fatui Attata

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:03 pm
by Doc63

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:16 pm
by Fatui Attata

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:26 pm
by mgh3536

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:31 pm
by John Wren

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:39 pm
by 35forever
Haha, yes, that's very clever! I said it's 'beyond words' and you guys turned that around into a suggestion that I shut up! Gosh, you sure showed me!

Such a shame so many clever folks are still helping our club to fall apart because they insist that every word coming out of the Westpac must be gospel truth. I bet you don't believe in evolution either?
What a bunch of hypocrites we are! When we were sure that Dayne was leaving purely because of family problems everyone was wishing him well and insisting that the story was 100% true and nothing to do with the fact that Buckley is tearing our club apart. Now that there's the first hint of possible other reasons you turn on him like some slavering pack of hounds keen to destroy the guy rather than face the bloody obvious.
And it is BLOODY obvious!!!
To everyone except the few troublemakers GULLIBLE enough to keep drinking the Collingwood KoolAid that is! The day will come, I assure you, when you will realise that YOU were part of the problem. YOU were the ones who shouted down those who could see the situation for what it was, allowing for no word of dissent to reach those who could really change things.

As is usual with those who know they're wrong, the only response is abuse and personal attacks, as the facts just don't suit their viewpoint. Fortunately it doesn't bother me personally, I quite like the feeble attempts to discredit or silence me, they give me a giggle in what is otherwise a very dark time for those passionate about Collingwood, I just hope other voices of dissent are equally impervious to the nasty, poorly spelled attacks their words bring, and keep pointing out the truth as they see it.

Keep up the good fight against the liars and the intensely gullible!


Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:53 pm
by Breadcrawl
35forever wrote:
As is usual with those who know they're wrong, the only response is abuse and personal attacks, as the facts just don't suit their viewpoint.


One guy posted the 'best Collingwood list in 25 years" in your opinion.

Did you rebut this?

No, you focused on the personal abuse and completely ignored the factual rebuttal.

You are getting exactly what you want, and when you don't get it, you ignore that which you claim to be wanting in reply.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:56 pm
by 35forever
rocketronnie wrote:
swoop42 wrote:It's fair to say that O'Rourke will no longer be on our radar.

Apparently the pies have given Brisbane till 5pm next Friday to come up with a deal that's suitable to us.

No deal by then then no Beams to Brisbane.
And he'll play dead or develop a mysterious injury in 2015, not to mention the effects on morale on having him around if he is disgruntled. He will then walk out the door at the end of his contract, go into the draft and we get nada for him (didnt we all laugh in St Kilda's faces when they did a similar thing regarding Ball?).

A great result that will be lol. Another Collingwood triumph for the spin merchants to desperately try to wall paper over. And of course the self same spin merchants will then go off tap blaming Beams for a situation of Collingwood's hamfisted creation.

By all means get the best deal going for him but playing hard ball in the unrealistic hope of forcing a better deal for the sake of it is just plain stupid.
Excellent post Ronnie, it's scary how quick people will turn on you round here! Did you see the comments on Daisy's photo? Some of these people are rabid! Poor guy posts a photo of a few mates out for a drink and guys called "Taleb" are calling for a Fatwā FFS! Sheesh!

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 8:01 pm
by Fatui Attata
35forever wrote:Haha, yes, that's very clever! I said it's 'beyond words' and you guys turned that around into a suggestion that I shut up! Gosh, you sure showed me!

Such a shame so many clever folks are still helping our club to fall apart because they insist that every word coming out of the Westpac must be gospel truth. I bet you don't believe in evolution either?
What a bunch of hypocrites we are! When we were sure that Dayne was leaving purely because of family problems everyone was wishing him well and insisting that the story was 100% true and nothing to do with the fact that Buckley is tearing our club apart. Now that there's the first hint of possible other reasons you turn on him like some slavering pack of hounds keen to destroy the guy rather than face the bloody obvious.
And it is BLOODY obvious!!!
To everyone except the few troublemakers GULLIBLE enough to keep drinking the Collingwood KoolAid that is! The day will come, I assure you, when you will realise that YOU were part of the problem. YOU were the ones who shouted down those who could see the situation for what it was, allowing for no word of dissent to reach those who could really change things.

As is usual with those who know they're wrong, the only response is abuse and personal attacks, as the facts just don't suit their viewpoint. Fortunately it doesn't bother me personally, I quite like the feeble attempts to discredit or silence me, they give me a giggle in what is otherwise a very dark time for those passionate about Collingwood, I just hope other voices of dissent are equally impervious to the nasty, poorly spelled attacks their words bring, and keep pointing out the truth as they see it.

Keep up the good fight against the liars and the intensely gullible!

I gave you a list of 32 facts that show Buckley to be an infinitely better judge of footballers than you.
Tell me "he who knows all", what do you think of YOUR squad?
Why aren't you Director of Coaching at Collingwood? Because Buckley won't listen to your pleas?
You're a deluded gossip mongering twat who is "GULLIBLE" to his own insane thoughts.

And that judgment came from reading your baseless assumptions, where not an ounce of fact can be found.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 8:18 pm
by September Zeros
35 many gave beams the benefit of doubt and accepted his family reasons for wanting out, and offered their support even though it ground on people losing such a terrific player, they gave their support. After all family was more important.

As things come to light to suggest it has less to do with family and more to do with perhaps chasing money (with the added draw card of his brother and father) people were quite within thier right to feel a little duped by beams.

Most rational people could understand why there has been a sway in opinion. Dayne has largely bought that on himself by thumbing his nose at the club on Copeland night. There's no reason he couldn't have attended. So the supporters retaliate. Simple to even the most simple.

P.S you just called everyone morons yet again and yet preach about not making things personal or resorting to personal attacks yet you continue to abuse people en mass. Thoughts on that?

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 8:21 pm
by 35forever