Terror attacks by Islamist groups

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Post by Skids »

No rest for these guys....







2015.05.14 DRC Mbau 23 0 Twenty-three more villagers are hacked to death with machetes and hatchets by ADF Islamists.
2015.05.14 Afghanistan Kabul 14 7 Nine foreigners are among fourteen people massacred when the Taliban storm a guesthouse.
2015.05.14 Libya Benghazi 8 11 Seven children are among eight killed when the Islamic State fires a rocket into an apartment building.
2015.05.14 Syria Palmyra 26 0 Twenty-six villagers are butchered by the Islamic State, including ten beheaded.
2015.05.12 Iraq Kazimiyah 10 25 The Islamic State bomb a roadside stand serving food to Shiite pilgrims, killing ten.
2015.05.12 Libya Benghazi 4 0 Four children are exterminated by an Islamic State rocket.
2015.05.12 Bangladesh Bankalaparha 1 0 Four fundamentalists hack a secular blogger to death with knives on charges of being an atheist.
2015.05.11 DRC Mavivi 5 7 Five people are hacked to death with machetes by Islamist 'rebels'.
2015.05.10 Macedonia Kumanovo 8 37 Muslim terrorists wage a running battle with police, killing at least eight.
2015.05.10 Afghanistan Kabul 3 18 A suicide bomber kills three riders on a bus.
2015.05.09 Iraq Nineveh 13 0 Thirteen Kurds are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.05.09 Iraq al-Khalis 12 14 Terrorists kill a dozen guards at a prison.
2015.05.09 Iraq Baghdad 7 20 A bomb targeting Shiite pilgrims takes down seven of them.
2015.05.09 Pakistan Nazimabad 1 0 Sectarian Jihadis gun down a homeopathic doctor for being Shiite.
2015.05.09 Syria Aleppo 5 19 Women and children are heavily represented among the casualties of an al-Nusra rocket attack.
2015.05.09 Pakistan Lakki Mechankhel 2 1 Mujahideen enter a home and shoot a man and his mother to death.
2015.05.09 Syria Raqqa 10 0 Ten hostages are forced to kneel, then executed with gunshots by the Islamic State.
2015.05.09 Afghanistan Paktia 2 5 Fundamentalists attack a cricket tournament and murder two people.
2015.05.08 Nigeria Potiskum 3 10 A suicide bomber detonates at a college.
2015.05.08 Iraq Kanaan 4 18 A suicide car bomber plows into a crowd of Shiite worshippers, killing four.
2015.05.08 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 0 Terrorists gun down a local cop.
2015.05.08 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Four guards are shot to death in separate attacks on a school and market.
2015.05.08 Iraq Balad Ruz 18 41 A Sunni suicide bomber massacres eighteen worshippers as they are leaving a Shiite mosque.
2015.05.08 Syria Deir al-Zor 19 0 Nineteen others lose their lives to an ISIS suicide blast and subsequent assault on an airport.
2015.05.08 DRC Matembo 7 4 Islamists hack seven villagers to death with machetes, including two women.
2015.05.08 Syria Homs 2 0 Two men are hacked to death for 'insulting Allah'.
2015.05.08 Somalia Galkayo 1 0 Religious extremists shoot an 'apostate' to death.
2015.05.07 Iraq Shajarat al-Dur 4 16 Four Iraqis are soundly eliminated by a suicide bomber.
2015.05.07 Egypt Rafah 2 0 Religious extremists roll up on and gun down two guards.
2015.05.07 Syria Aleppo 2 0 Two men are paraded by the Islamic State, then shot in the back of the head.
2015.05.07 Iraq Hamrin 22 34 Shahid suicide bombers take out twenty-two Iraqis
2015.05.07 Syria Deir al-Zor 4 0 Four local soldiers are captured and beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.05.07 Pakistan Alingar 1 0 A peace committee member is laid out by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2015.05.07 Syria Aleppo 4 0 Three children and a woman bleed to death when militant Sunnis send rockets into a neighborhood.
2015.05.07 Libya Benghazi 2 5 Two civilians are killed when Islamists mortar their neighborhood.
2015.05.07 Iraq Allas 2 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes two victims with him.
2015.05.07 Cameroon Mayo-Tsanaga 7 0 Seven people are brutally killed during a Boko Haram rampage through their village.
2015.05.07 Syria Aleppo 2 0 A father and son are picked off by Islamist snipers.
2015.05.06 Iraq Khanaqin 3 0 ISIS members murder three oil tank drivers in cold blood along a highway.
2015.05.06 Syria Hasaka 3 0 A suicide bombing by the Islamic State kills three people in a neighborhood.
2015.05.06 Saudi Arabia Najran 5 11 Shiite radicals shell a small town, killing five residents.
2015.05.06 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A politician is assassinated by Sharia activists.
2015.05.06 Yemen Tawahi 50 100 Women and children are heavily represented in the casualties of an hours long rocket barrage of a refugee camp by Shiite radicals.
2015.05.06 Thailand Yala 2 0 A Buddhist couple is shot and then burned by Muslim terrorists.
2015.05.06 Pakistan Lower Kurram 1 3 A botched suicide attack on a school kills one innocent.
2015.05.06 Syria Hassakeh 16 0 An ISIS suicide assault produces sixteen dead Kurds.
2015.05.06 Niger Koukodou 5 0 Boko Haram members burn houses and murder five villagers.
2015.05.06 Nigeria Ngulde 8 8 An 80-year-old man is among eight villagers slaughtered by Boko Haram.
2015.05.06 Afghanistan Sulaimanzai 2 4 Two children are reduced to pulp by a Taliban bomb blast.
2015.05.05 India Nadia 3 8 Three Hindu pilgrims are killed when a Muslim mob attack their procession.
2015.05.05 Iraq Baghdad 6 11 An ISIS car bomb in front of a hotel kills six civilians.
2015.05.05 Saudi Arabia Najran 2 5 Shiite militia in Yemen shell a town across the border, killing two residents.
2015.05.05 Yemen Aden 6 0 Shiite radicals kill one man with a mortar and then six of this rescuers.
2015.05.05 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 3 Hardliners shoot a scrap dealer to death then plant a bomb that injures responders.
2015.05.05 DRC Kikiki 2 2 Two UN peacekeepers are ambushed and murdered by Islamists.
2015.05.05 Syria Sweida 2 23 Two civilians are killed during a series of mortar barrages by al-Nusra on a neighborhood.
2015.05.05 Afghanistan Jalriz 1 1 A child is pulled into pieces by a Taliban bomb blast.
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Post by pietillidie »

^Confirmation from reputable sources, please.

It is unacceptable to list violent deaths that cannot be verified, otherwise you could quite easily be contributing to a propaganda exercise. You do understand all kinds of nutters, including ISIS, plant and promote these things to further their military ends, right? They might be laying claim to something to frighten people into submission, or simply planting nonsense to provoke attack and further death. So you have an ethical responsibility to research the facts, and provide evidence accordingly. And, to be clear, repeating someone else's error or unverifiable claim third-hand is NOT evidence.

Who killed who? In what context? Who is verifying the deaths and their provenance? ISIS? A journalist paid by ISIS? Al Qaeda? Hezbollah? Al Nusra Front? The Iranians? The Assad regime? Iran? The CIA?

Supporting god knows what objectives through unresearched, copy-and-paste efforts is sheer negligence.
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Post by Skids »


Serious enquirers are welcome to contact our editor with requests for specific incidents.

Note also that in 2014 the BBC vetted the list of Islamic terror attacks for a single month and found that TROP undercounted the number of attacks by two-thirds and the deaths by half.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

2015.05.29 Saudi Arabia Dammam 3 0 At least three others are killed by a suicide bomber outside a Shia mosque..
2015.05.27 Pakistan Quetta 2 1 Two Hazara religious minorities are gunned down outside their shop by Sunni radicals.
2015.05.26 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A teacher is among two people riddled with bullets by militant Muslims.
2015.05.25 Afghanistan Zabul 5 73 Two women are among five killed in a massive suicide truck bombing that leaves over seventy others wounded.
2015.05.25 Nigeria Gubio 43 50 Children are among dozens killed after Boko Haram briefly takes over a small village.
2015.05.25 Pakistan Quetta 2 9 A female doctor is among two Hazara religious minorities murdered in an attack outside a medical center.
2015.05.23 Iraq Baiji 16 0 Caliphate members slit the throats of sixteen traders transporting food into a city.
2015.05.23 Afghanistan Gilan 4 0 A family of four, including two children, is neatly disassembled by a well-placed Taliban bomb.
2015.05.22 Saudi Arabia Qadeeh 21 81 An ISIS suicide bomber detonates at a Shia mosque, slaying twenty-one worshippers.
2015.05.22 Nigeria Jwamda-Kobla 10 0 Sharia proponents sneak into a village and slaughter ten residents with knives.
2015.05.22 Somalia Mogadishu 3 1 Pro-Sharia activists block a transport carrying government workers and machine-gun three point-blank.
2015.05.22 Pakistan Hayatabad 2 2 Two are killed when Sunni radicals fire on a Shiite family.
2015.05.21 Libya Misrata 2 2 Two people are killed by an ISIS suicide bomber.
2015.05.21 Iraq Fallujah 1 0 A man is paraded through the streets and then hung from a bridge by the Islamic State.
2015.05.21 Saudi Arabia Dhahran 1 3 A civilian bleeds to death after Shia militia fire a rocket across the border.
2015.05.21 Syria Palmyra 100 0 ISIS releases pictures of some one-hundred beheading victims shortly after taking a small city.
2015.05.21 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 A Sunni man and his two sons are murdered in a targeted sectarian attack.
2015.05.21 Uganda Kireka Cell 1 0 A cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.05.21 Iraq Diyala 2 0 Two civilians lose their lives when suspected ISIS burn five homes.
2015.05.20 Syria Damascus 1 23 Sunnis lob a mortar into a school, killing a teacher and injuring twenty-three students.
2015.05.20 Saudi Arabia Najran 18 0 Shiite militias reportedly kill eighteen Saudis with a cross-border rocket barrage.
2015.05.20 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 0 Religion of Peace proponents tie a man to a post and then blast him with a bazooka.
2015.05.20 Libya Hawara 1 0 A Fedyeen suicide bomber kills one other person.
2015.05.20 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A man is gunned down in front of his daughter by Sharia activists, while taking her to school.
2015.05.19 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A journalist is exected for refusing to join the caliphate.
2015.05.19 Nigeria Garkida 8 14 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes the lives of eight patrons at a livestock market.
2015.05.19 Afghanistan Kabul 4 42 Four people, including a woman, bleed out following a suicide bombing in a parking lot.
2015.05.19 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 8 Taliban bombers take out four locals.
2015.05.19 Libya Qubbah 1 7 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills one other person.
2015.05.19 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 27 0 Fulani terrorists massacre twenty-seven residents in overnight attacks on two Christian villages.
2015.05.19 Syria Haqef 6 0 A woman is among those killed during an ISIS attack on a Druze village.
2015.05.18 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two brothers are kidnapped and tortured to death by sectarian rivals.
2015.05.18 Yemen Nassab 10 0 Ten Shiites are killed by al-Qaeda in a roadside attack.
2015.05.18 Afghanistan Janikhil 4 2 Four Afghans are shot to death by Sunni militants.
2015.05.18 Syria Palmyra 5 0 Two children are among five residents pulled apart when ISIS fire rockets into their neighborhood.
2015.05.18 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 0 The Taliban murder a police chief.
2015.05.18 Iraq Rashid 5 2 Five civilians are reduced to parts by Mujahid bombers.
2015.05.18 Afghanistan Uruzgan 12 0 A series of attacks on police checkpoints by armed fundamentalists leave a dozen dead.
2015.05.18 Afghanistan Kandahar 0 7 A Fedyeen suicide bomber self-detonates outside a hospital.
2015.05.18 Afghanistan Khas Uruzgan 7 0 Seven Afghans lose their lives when Sunni extremists attack a government building.
2015.05.18 Iraq Husaybah 10 0 Ten civilians are killed trying to defend their homes from ISIS.
2015.05.17 Iraq Ramadi 5 12 Five people are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2015.05.17 Israel Nes Ziona 1 0 A 68-year-old security guard is brutally stabbed to death by a Palestinian.
2015.05.17 Iraq Ramadi 10 15 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber slaughters ten Iraqis.
2015.05.17 Syria Palmyra 6 0 Six more people are reported killed by ISIS, including three by beheading.
2015.05.17 Afghanistan Zankhan 2 3 Two policmen on patrol are laid out by a Taliban bomb.
2015.05.17 Iraq Baiji 8 0 Eight refinery guards are blown up by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.05.17 Iraq Shura 3 0 Three civilians are buried alive by the Islamic State after being forced to dig their own graves.
2015.05.17 Yemen Shabwah 21 0 al-Qaeda claims to have killed twenty-one Shiites with heavey weapons.
2015.05.17 Iraq Ramadi 500 0 Five hundred civilians and soldiers are butchered when the Islamic State overrun a city.
2015.05.17 Afghanistan Kabul 4 18 Four innocents, including two women, are disintegrated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber near an airport.
2015.05.16 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 9 Two Iraqis are blown to bits by Mujahid bombers.
2015.05.16 Afghanistan Karikote 1 5 Fundamentalists shoot a youth to death for celebrating a soccer win.
2015.05.16 Yemen Taez 15 100 Shiite radicals capture an artillery battery and turn it on a town, killing at least fifteen civilians.
2015.05.16 Nigeria Damaturu 7 31 Islamists strap a young girl into an explosives vest and send her into a bus station. At least seven others are massacred, not including the 'suicide' bomber.
2015.05.16 Egypt al-Arish 4 0 Three judges and their driver are machine-gunned by activists fighting for Islamic law.
2015.05.16 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Fundamentalists storm a brothel and murder three men and two women.
2015.05.16 Nigeria Madagali 3 20 Boko Haram murder three men and kidnap seven women.
2015.05.16 Syria Palmyra 23 0 Twenty-three civilians, including nine children, are massacred by the Islamic State.
2015.05.16 Pakistan Pewar 1 0 A Shiite man is murdered by Sunnis whil out collecting firewood.
2015.05.15 Pakistan Hyderabad 1 1 A Shiite man is killed in front of his wife by Sunni gunmen.
2015.05.15 Iraq Najaf 1 0 A prominent cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.05.15 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A policeman is shot to death by a Taliban on a motorbike.
2015.05.15 Iraq Ramadi 10 7 Three suicide bombers murder ten Iraqis.
2015.05.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 3 Muslim terrorists ambush and kill security personnel riding past on motorbikes.
2015.05.15 Somalia Shabelle 15 0 Islamists pour grenades and machine-gun fire into two towns, killing fifteen.
2015.05.15 Iraq Jamiya 27 0 Thirteen people are killed in an ISIS attack. Fourteen others are taken captive and executed.
2015.05.15 Kenya Garissa 2 0 Islamists ambush and kill two police officers at their station.
2015.05.14 Iraq Badush 20 0 Twenty captives are executed by the Islamic State.
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Post by pietillidie »

^The proper referencing is your job. You take responsibility for your posts. And if you haven't checked, how do you know what is fact and what is extremist propaganda? Do I have to check for both myself and you?

It's completely unacceptable just to copy and paste stuff willy-nilly from some unknown trashy site and then tell others to do the heavy lifting for you.
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Post by Skids »

pietillidie wrote:^The proper referencing is your job. You take responsibility for your posts. And if you haven't checked, how do you know what is fact and what is extremist propaganda? Do I have to check for both myself and you?

It's completely unacceptable just to copy and paste stuff willy-nilly from some unknown trashy site and then tell others to do the heavy lifting for you.
I picked 4 randomly and they checked out.

Note also that in 2014 the BBC vetted the list of Islamic terror attacks for a single month and found that TROP UNDERCOUNTED the number of attacks by two-thirds and the deaths by half.

That's not good enough? Sorry. :?
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Post by pietillidie »

^Fair enough. Don't get me wrong; there is dysfunction galore in those sort of environments, so the real question is why you're posting so few.

But you ought to do some serious thinking. On one hand, we have to wonder why you aren't you posting, say, killings by Latin American Christians. On the other hand, we have to wonder why you aren't worried who the murderers you are listing are working with. What if some of those are working with, funded by or supplied by Anglo-American allies?

Trust none of the information you see or hear; you've got a hell of a lot of work to do to pass the ethics and decency test here.

BTW, do you have the details of the four examples you checked out?
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Post by Skids »

This, to me, is so wrong!

http://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia ... id=sl5mdhp

Muslim children should not be forced to sing the Australian anthem and "de-radicalisation" is an agenda of forced assimilation, hundreds of Islamic men, women and children were told this morning.

More than 500 people flocked to a forum in south-western Sydney addressing the "criminalisation" of the Islamic community in Australia.

Organised by the controversial group Hizb ut-Tahrir (HuT) - the organisation that former prime minister Tony Abbott wanted banned - the conference includes eight speakers.

Among them is Ismail al-Wahwah, the Sydney-based leader of HuT, who was filmed in two sermons last year describing Jews as the "hidden evil" and calling for a "jihad against the Jews".
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Post by think positive »

They shouldn't be forced, they should want to sing the national anthem of their new country. It's not like it's GOD save the queen, there is no religion at all in advance Australia fair.
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Post by Tannin »

I'd rather sing God Save the Queen. At least it has vaguely sensible words. And a tune that doesn't make you barf.

Disclaimer: I have been a republican for 50 years. And I'd still rather have God Save the Queen. Hell, I'd rather a Coco-Cola commercial than the vomit-worthy thing we have now. Somewhere in the world there is probably a worse national anthem, but I haven't discovered it yet.
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Post by Skids »

Tannin wrote:I'd rather sing God Save the Queen. At least it has vaguely sensible words. And a tune that doesn't make you barf.

Disclaimer: I have been a republican for 50 years. And I'd still rather have God Save the Queen. Hell, I'd rather a Coco-Cola commercial than the vomit-worthy thing we have now. Somewhere in the world there is probably a worse national anthem, but I haven't discovered it yet.
Really? I don't mind it at all, wish they'd sing the second verse more often. My daughters all did at Greenwood PS 8)
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Post by Wokko »

Tannin wrote:I'd rather sing God Save the Queen. At least it has vaguely sensible words. And a tune that doesn't make you barf.

Disclaimer: I have been a republican for 50 years. And I'd still rather have God Save the Queen. Hell, I'd rather a Coco-Cola commercial than the vomit-worthy thing we have now. Somewhere in the world there is probably a worse national anthem, but I haven't discovered it yet.
I wouldn't mind a more epic sound; something like Star Spangled Banner or God Save the Queen (King), that give chills when you hear it done well. AAF is, well, nice I guess, and it's the Anthem so always good to hear it, but it has that "chosen by committee" vibe to it (think it was a vote or a competition or something, but same thing applies).
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Post by Mugwump »

Hell, half the people in the UK don't even like God save the Queen. The real national anthems of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are the truly national anthems : These are something like "Land of my Fathers", for Wales, "Flower of Scotland"/"Scotland the Brave", and the majestic "Jerusalem" for England. Northern Ireland might be the only one that would choose God Save the Queen, but that's only because there's not a song called "Better get them before they get you".

As for HuT, the best remedy against these seditious unfortunates is ridicule.
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Post by Morrigu »

Mugwump wrote: As for HuT, the best remedy against these seditious unfortunates is ridicule.
True Mug but they do the children no favour and in fact do them a great disservice.

For me this:

The first speaker, Uthman Badar, asked why Muslim children should be "forced" to sing the Australian anthem, which presents a "disputed view of history". Deradicalisation, the HuT spokesman said, was an "agenda of forced assimilation ... justified by exaggerated fears of a security threat".

Is of concern - what faith you choose to follow or not should be irrelevant - this country has it's issues no doubt - but you are free to practice your faith as long at is is in accordance with the Laws of this land.

They are not Muslim children they are Australian children who choose to follow the Islamic faith (given they are children choose seems a mute point) - the singing of the anthem is a furphy - the intolerance and inability to accept differences is the issue from ALL sides!

I don't believe assimilation in this country means the loss of cultural identity - but neither do we want to have to change completely to accomodate the beliefs of others who refuse to acknowledge the beliefs and rights of their fellow citizens!!
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Post by Mugwump »

Morrigu wrote:
Mugwump wrote: As for HuT, the best remedy against these seditious unfortunates is ridicule.
True Mug but they do the children no favour and in fact do them a great disservice.

For me this:

The first speaker, Uthman Badar, asked why Muslim children should be "forced" to sing the Australian anthem, which presents a "disputed view of history". Deradicalisation, the HuT spokesman said, was an "agenda of forced assimilation ... justified by exaggerated fears of a security threat".

Is of concern - what faith you choose to follow or not should be irrelevant - this country has it's issues no doubt - but you are free to practice your faith as long at is is in accordance with the Laws of this land.

They are not Muslim children they are Australian children who choose to follow the Islamic faith (given they are children choose seems a mute point) - the singing of the anthem is a furphy - the intolerance and inability to accept differences is the issue from ALL sides!

I don't believe assimilation in this country means the loss of cultural identity - but neither do we want to have to change completely to accomodate the beliefs of others who refuse to acknowledge the beliefs and rights of their fellow citizens!!
Oh, for sure, Morrigu, this stuff is very serious as it poisons minds. But it is very hard to police against it without making it worse. It should be mocked and derided until it seems so desperately uncool to young Muslims and everyone else that it dies of embarrassment.

Unfortunately, the tendency of their co-religionists to murder humourists, and the fear of inciting hatred against perfectly nice Muslim people (of whom there are many), means that our satirists are afraid to go there.
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Post by Morrigu »

^ yes indeed!!!

Somehow we seem to have arrived at a place where such deserved derision is considered " racist" or gives those that see " all ... insert race or religion here .... as vermin legitimacy - and both sides then promote and champion violence as the ultimate answer :roll:
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